Clinically the patient presents with nephrolithasis. IV pain medications, antiemetics, and IV fluids were given. A CT Abdomen/Pelvis was obtained for concern for a possible obstructing kidney stone and to rule out other pathologic conditions. The CT confirmed revealed a stone at XXX. The patient's labs were significant for XXX. With pain medication the patient improved significantly. The patient is referred to the on-call urologist for follow up and is discharged with oral narcotics for pain control, Flomax, antiemetics, and given the following return precautions: Fever > 100.5, pain not controlled with narcotics, vomiting or any other concerns and to strain the urine
Follow up with your primary doctor within 2-3 days. Follow up with a Urologist this week, number provided with your discharge paper. Please call as soon as possible for an appointment. Use Motrin (also called Ibuprofen or Advil) 400 mg every 6 hours as needed for pain. If you have any stomach discomfort while taking Motrin, you can use TUMS to help. All of these medications can be purchased without a prescription. Drink plenty of fluids, avoid caffeine & alcohol. Please continue taking your home medications as directed. Do not use alcohol when taking any medication (especially antibiotics, tylenol or other pain medication) unless you check with the doctor or pharmacist. Any worsening pain, fever, chills, difficulty urinating, or any other concerns, please see your doctor immediately or return to Emergency Department right away.
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