___ year old patient presents with worsening of chronic low back pain for the past ___ days of non-emergent etiology. I feel this is likely secondary to musculoskeletal etiology vs non-emergent disc herniation. Unlikely spinal cord compression syndrome based on PE. The patient denies all RED FLAGS including fevers, chills, recent spinal procedures, bowel/bladder incontinence, IV drug use, cancer, age > 70 yo, recent weight loss, immunosuppression, prolonged steroid use, osteoporosis, acute trauma, weakness, numbness, tingling, dysuria, or hematuria. Low suspicion for AAA or renal stone. Unlikely vertebral malignancy/metastasis, fracture, or infection. Unlikely epidural abscess or osteomyelitis. I will attempt to manage pts pain and defer imaging and labwork for outpatient follow up at this time.
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